Adult Dog

Adult Dog

Whether getting a pet for the first time or introducing one into your multiple pet home, a puppy or dog quickly melts your heart. However, knowing how to properly care for your new pet will help eliminate the hassles and worries. Always ready to support you with exceptional pet care and guidance.
Our dog programs are designed to cover all the fundamental health care needs of your new pet during his/her early life stages.
First on your agenda should be a trip to St Clair East Animal Hospitalfor a comprehensive physical examination by our veterinarian. The initial visit provides an opportunity for you, your pet and our doctor to meet and get acquainted. 
This time is well spent and offers you, the pet owner, a chance to ask questions. Our veterinarian also allay any concerns or anxieties you may have about owning a puppy or dog. This is a special time for you and your pet and we want your memories to be cherished and worry-free.
Just like health care for humans, veterinary medical care for animals is constantly evolving and advancing. To help you navigate your way through the various stages of care necessary to keep your beloved companion healthy, St Clair East Animal Hospital's doctor and staff provide comprehensive veterinary care at an affordable price.

Adult dogs must by law receive vaccinations for Rabies ( some vaccines provide 3 years of protection).

 Ask your veterinarian , and follow his/her advice and recommendations about canine vaccination procedure.
If you've adopted an older pup or adult dog and don't know their puppy vaccine history, then the minimum vaccinations you'll need to get them are against Distemper, Parvo and Hepatitis and Rabies.
Again though, individual areas (and each veterinarian) may have different recommendations, so talk to your own vet to find out what he/she thinks is best.

Allergic Reactions To Puppy Vaccinations
Although most puppies hardly even notice when their puppy vaccines are given, and show no ill effects afterward, it's not terribly unusual for a pup to have an allergic reaction of some sort to a vaccine.
Most of the time these reactions to puppy vaccinations are mild, and last only a day or two.
But now and then they can be severe enough to warrant a trip to the veterinarian.
All puppy owners should be aware of the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, because if your puppy does have a bad reaction, you need to know!
Symptoms vary from mild or moderate to severe. Here's a closer look at what you might notice after your puppy is vaccinated.

Mild Reactions
Luckily most reactions are mild, and symptoms can include:
•    A lump/swelling/knot at the site of the injection itself
•    Slight fever
•    Lethargy or a depressed/sad looking little pup!
•    Loss of appetite
•    Loose stools
BUT, don't worry, in these cases your puppy is just feeling a little tired or 'off color' and the symptoms are short lived and don't usually need veterinary treatment. 

Moderate Reactions
Symptoms of a moderate allergic reaction to puppy immunizations usually involves
•    Swelling and/or hives

Benadryl Dosage
The correct dosage of Benadryl for a dog is 2-4mg per KG of body weight, given every four hours.
This is often especially noticeable around the mouth, eyes, face and neck, although welts can appear anywhere on your puppy's body. 
This kind or reaction usually occurs within a few hours of the vaccination.
It can progress and become severe, so if you notice any swelling or hives appearing on your pup, take him back to the veterinarian's office right away.
As an interim measure you can give your little guy/gal some Benadryl to help reduce this swelling - but do check this with your vet first. 
Veterinary treatment for this type of reaction may also include steroids and other anti-histamines.

Adult Dog

Severe Reactions
The most serious allergic reaction to puppy shots is
•    Anaphylaxis
This is life-threatening and usually strikes within minutes of the vaccine being given. 
You might first notice vomiting/diarrhea and a loss of balance.

Anaphylaxis causes a sudden drop in your puppy's blood pressure, and generalized swelling which can result in breathing difficulties, seizures and even death. 
It's an emergency situation and if you have already left the veterinarian's office you need to get your pup back there immediately.
He/she may need oxygen, IV fluids or other medical intervention, so don't waste any time. 
Luckily moderate to severe allergic reactions to puppy vaccines are pretty rare and are generally much less of a danger to your puppy than the diseases they prevent. 

IMPORTANT: If your puppy does have a bad reaction to his vaccine, it's important to remind your veterinarian about that at his next vaccination appointment.

Some vets may want to give a puppy like this an antihistamine before giving the vaccine, and/or to monitor him for a while afterwards... just to be safe.
It's also possible that your vet will recommend giving the vaccines separately rather than as a 'combo' vaccine to reduce the risks of a reaction.

So, the bottom line is that you need to watch your puppy closely for the first day or so after he's had his puppy shots.
Any major reaction is most likely to occur within 24 hours (often much sooner).
An allergic reaction of any sort is unlikely to happen after the first vaccine though, it's subsequent ones that you should pay particular attention to.
Although it's necessary to be aware of what could happen, don't panic about this! Thousands of puppies are vaccinated every day with no ill-effects, or only a very mild reaction.
The risks you run if you don't vaccinate your pup are much higher, so protecting your puppy is way too important to be forgotten or avoided.